2024 Business Energy, Gas, Water, Facilities Maintenance

Business Energy Tips for a Strong Start In 2024 

Insights To Ensure Business Utilities Are New Year Ready 

As we take our first steps into the new year, it is the perfect time to get everything in line to start 2024 on the right foot. Take the time to relook at contracts and put practices into place today with the future in mind.  


Have You Got The Best Rate For Business Energy? 

The press has had some quite encouraging news when it comes to energy prices. However, it is prudent to tread cautiously as we enter the new year.  

For example, the inflation rate has dropped to its lowest level in two years as a result of cheaper gas and electricity. 2022 was an especially volatile year for the markets, which has made the year-on-year comparison relatively positive. Additionally, the reduced price cap for household energy has eased high energy prices at home, but Cornwall Insight has predicted an increase to the cap in January – and prices not set to recover to pre-COVID levels until the end of the decade. 

The Energy Bills Discount Scheme is also set to expire on 31 March 2024, which is a consideration for qualifying businesses who have enjoyed some relief on this front.  

Gas and electricity have been volatile in 2023, with a predominantly downward trend. While wholesale business energy prices have declined since October, it is important to remember that they remain high. There is significant market volatility in response to global events – and we will watch this unfold weekly as the Israel-Hamas conflict continues.  

It is extremely difficult to predict the course of the markets, which makes securing your rates the best buffer against future market volatility. Working with energy experts means you get the best advice on whether and when to switch, market competitiveness, and all the charges that go into making the change.  

Lowered wholesale energy prices spur competitiveness among suppliers. Get in touch with Smarter Business and we’ll compare quotes from leading suppliers and match your gas and electricity contracts to your business’s unique operations. 


Cut consumption and wasted hours with monitoring and metering solutions 

Cutting consumption is the best way to cut cost. It all starts with understanding how you use energy and identifying areas of potential savings. Smart meters and the right metering solutions are a powerful first step in energy saving strategies. Together with energy monitoring systems, your business is best-placed to track usage and make decisions around your portfolio using this data. 

Smart meters also support accurate billing, which means less time and energy spent trying to rectify issues. In reducing inaccuracies that might go unnoticed, you’re also safeguarding yourself from wasted and unnecessary costs. 


What about water? 

Water companies face the need to make significant investments to improve customer service levels and address sewage and leaks issues. They also need to make ongoing investments to build resilience around climate change considerations and debt considerations. Adjustments to pricing as a result of this is being carefully policed by Ofwat, but it’s important for businesses to scrutinise their contracts to get the best value.  

Our water services are geared to streamline your water contracts and save money.  


Prevent downtime with professional maintenance services 

‘Don’t start today by doing yesterday’s work’. The cost and inconvenience of unplanned and reactive maintenance has an unnecessary impact on your balance sheet. Working with maintenance professionals guides ideal maintenance processes, keeps machinery and equipment working efficiently, and prevents the likelihood of operational downtime.  


Hand over the hard work for smarter results 

Get in touch with Smarter Business today for advice, solutions, and support around your business energy, gas, water, and maintenance.  [/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column]

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