Business Water Saving Tips – Avoid Throwing Money Down the Drain!

Business water saving tips for UK companies:
Is your business taking steps to actively save water? Not only can your business stand to save money by saving water, but you’ll also be helping the environment by conserving earth’s water resources.

Did you know? Environmental scientists predict that the world will experience freshwater shortages in the next 50 years.

Of course, every business uses water differently – some industries are water-intensive, whereas others only use water for day-to-day hygiene in the office environment. This is why knowing how and when your business uses water can help you identify opportunities to make suitable savings.

Why save water?

  • To secure increasingly scarce water supplies.
  • It’s becoming more expensive to augment existing water supply by building new infrastructure.
  • Save money on your monthly water bill.
  • Minimise the amount of water taken from the limited natural supply, protecting these resources and their biodiversity.
  • Reduce your business’s carbon footprint – since purifying and heating water uses a lot of energy, reducing water use helps reduce your energy use and your carbon footprint too.
  • Create a culture of care for the environment within your company.
  • When you invest in sustainable technologies, you may be eligible for government incentives and tax deductions.
  • Use your water-saving initiatives to generate positive public relations.

Business water saving tips that save you money!

Achieving reductions in water consumption comes from implementing an array of measures consistently across the business – some quick wins along with some longer-term investments.

Quick wins

Get your employees involved
The most effective water savings come from collective buy-in. Spend a session educating your employees about why they should save water and ways to save water. Encourage them to come up with their own business water saving tips.

Monitor for leaks
Did you know? According to the Consumer Council for Water, 3.1 billion litres of water were lost in England and Wales every day in 2016/7!

Any leaking taps or pipes waste water and cost you money! The best time to check for leaks is over the weekend or at night, when water isn’t being used. Walk around your facility regularly to check every tap and connection for leaks and have them fixed as soon as possible. Encourage your employees to immediately report any leaks they notice.

You should also ensure that the relevant personnel know where your supply pipes run and where the shut-off valves are located. If a pipe were to suddenly burst, a member of staff will then be able to shut off the mains quickly to avoid water wastage.

Knowledge is power
Record your monthly water bills and consumption so that you can identify any spikes in usage and find out why these may be occuring. You can also install a smart water meter to give to real-time water consumption data and analysis. Knowing how you use (or waste) water is the best way to know how to save it.

Long-term water-saving investments

Installing water-saving technologies and devices can help you achieve water savings in the long run. Examples include installing:

  • A sensored irrigation system to control outdoor water use
  • Low-flow restrictors on showers and faucets
  • Waterless urinals
  • Urinal controls
  • Efficient flush toilets
  • Sensor or automatic taps
  • Water-efficient taps and shower
  • A rainwater harvesting device
  • Water recycling infrastructure that will allow you to use greywater or rainwater

Many of these water-efficient technologies are easier and cheaper to install than you may think, with the time and cost offset by long-term (and immediate) savings. You may even be eligible for tax credits on sustainable technologies.

The time is now to become water wise!

Implementing these quick wins and long-term water efficiencies can help your business save the earth’s most vital resource – and save money in the process.

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