The Simple Way to Save Electricity for Schools

Looking for savings in electricity for schools is one of the simplest ways for educational institutions to collectively save millions of pounds a year. Although the government allows schools the freedom to buy their energy where they choose, many schools simply don’t take advantage of this flexibility and opportunity to save.

We’ve found that many educational establishments are paying more than they need to for their gas and electricity. By saving on electricity for schools, management can allocate this money towards other areas related directly to education.

Did you know? Lighting comprises almost 50% of the electricity for schools.

How much does electricity for schools cost?

Figures from the Department for Education show that schools pay an average of £27 000 per year on energy, with some of the larger schools paying up to £80 000!

Like businesses, schools should shop around to cut their energy bills. There’s also more to saving electricity for schools than reducing energy tariffs – schools should also look to reducing energy consumption from within. However, we know this can be easier said than done.

Top Tips for Easy Energy Saving

  • Involve the whole school in saving electricity and have your students come up with ideas to secure energy savings.
  • Switch desktop computers for laptop computers as these consume far less energy.
  • Switch to LED lighting.
  • Turn off lights when not in use.
  • Install a timer for your heater that comes on in the morning and is turned off at night.
  • Make sure that buildings are properly insulated.

The smart way to source electricity for schools

Smarter Business is here to help save energy for schools. We will do the legwork of comparing contracts and negotiating deals on your school’s behalf.  We’ll also take this a couple of steps further by helping you understand your school’s consumption and identifying areas for potential savings.

Contact Smarter Business today to talk to a consultant about your electricity for schools procurement, management, and strategy requirements.

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