Who is the Cheapest Business Energy Supplier?

As energy prices continue to rise, more and more business managers are asking: who is the cheapest business energy supplier?

Although there’s not a simple answer to this question, the good news is that an energy consultant like Smarter Business is here to help you find it.

The legacy of the Big Six energy suppliers

The UK energy market was once dominated by six major energy suppliers – British Gas, EDF Energy, E.ON, Npower, Scottish Power, and SSE. Although the Big Six do still hold significant market share, things are changing. There are now over 50 energy suppliers in the market offering different types of business energy contracts. This gives businesses the opportunity to shop around, switch contracts and benefit from cheaper energy, more appropriate contracts, better customer service, or both.

However, some businesses feel nervous about signing up with smaller energy providers due to the recent spate of small energy suppliers going bust. When getting an energy contract with a smaller supplier, it can be advisable to use the services of a third-party intermediary to protect your business.

Which? conducts an annual survey that takes the opinions of thousands of UK gas and electricity consumers. This year’s Which? survey asked 8,000 UK energy consumers to rate their suppliers based upon the following criteria:

  • Customer service
  • Complaints handling
  • Value for money
  • Accuracy of bills
  • Energy management services that help customers understand and reduce their energy usage

The survey found that it was the smaller gas and electricity suppliers that took the top spots overall with customer scores of between 80% and 76%. In contrast, the more established Big Six energy companies all featured in the bottom ten on the list.

At the end of the day, it’s not necessarily about whether your energy supplier is big or small; it’s whether or not they are able to offer a suitable contract for your business’ needs.

Are you paying too much for your business energy?

The only way to find out if you’re paying a fair price for your business energy is to compare quotes from different suppliers and find out if you’re getting the cheapest and best-matched gas and electricity deals for your unique business needs.

Why are businesses looking for cheaper energy deals?

Energy prices have been fluctuating over the last few years. Although there have been some occasional decreases in gas and electricity prices, these are often outweighed by higher non-commodity energy charges and more significant energy prices increases over time.

In addition to rising energy prices, businesses now have more opportunities to compare quotes from different suppliers. Competition is rife, which bodes well for the consumer. Large energy users can also speak to suppliers about energy contracts tailored to their energy consumption needs. These days, if you are not switching, you’re not saving.

After a brief consultation to identify your business needs, our energy team will research the market to find out who the cheapest supplier for you.

How to switch your business energy

By using the services of a business energy consultant such as Smarter Business, you’ll save yourself the time and effort of having to contact each supplier separately and trying to make an ‘apples-to-apples’ comparison between the different quotes.

Smarter Business has partnered with a number of business energy suppliers across the UK. We can negotiate preferable rates and do all the hard work for you, comparing different offers to find you the best possible deal. Our panel of suppliers includes the Big Six as well as several smaller suppliers. We take every step we can to ensure that all the suppliers we work with can meet the demands and budget of your business.

Ready to switch your business energy?

Would you like to find out who the cheapest energy supplier is? Simply get in touch with a Smarter Business energy consultant to start the switching process today.

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