Step towards becoming a net zero carbon business

How going carbon neutral benefits your bottom line
It is a misguided belief that committing to climate change plans adds unnecessary and burdensome costs. Making changes towards becoming a net zero carbon business – by reducing carbon emissions, reducing energy use and shifting to renewables – generally boosts your business’ bottom line.
Smarter Business can help you phase in energy-saving efforts or completely overhaul your energy portfolio to help you achieve net zero status.
Key Benefits
Long-term savings
Future-proof your business
What is a net zero carbon business?
A net-zero emissions building is a building with zero net energy consumption (calculated on an annual basis). This means that the total amount of energy used by the building is equal to the amount of renewable energy created onsite or offsite.
A carbon neutral business isn’t a company that doesn’t use any energy at all; nor is it a company that only uses renewable energy. At times, it may consume non-renewable energy and produce greenhouse gases. At other times, however, the business reduces energy consumption and greenhouse gas production elsewhere by the same amount, resulting in net zero carbon consumption. A net zero emissions building or business is typically connected to the grid and can sell excess power, as well as buy additional power during times of high demand.
In summary, net zero energy is when energy conservation + energy efficiency + renewable generation is = or < an entity’s energy usage and emissions – it’s producing more energy than it’s using.
This concept can be extended to entire communities, and even entire countries.

"Keep it clean. Go green and stamp out your high carbon footprint."
Sourcing net zero carbon energy and green energy
Gain credibility with Gold Standard carbon offsets
The carbon offset market has developed various standards to certify credible providers, services and technologies. The Gold Standard “sets the standard for climate and development interventions to qualify, certify and maximise their impact.”
Smarter Business can help your business to reduce your climate impact by offsetting your unavoidable emissions with high-impact carbon credits from Gold Standard-certified projects.